An Introduction to Information Processing
What is Information?
The exact meaning of the term "information" can vary quite a bit depending on the context in which it is used. It is the author's belief that the concept of information is a fundamental property of the universe as we experience it. Regardless of what the true nature of the universe may be, our understanding and experience of it rests solely on the information we receive from it. It is also the author's belief that the process of "communication" is a fundamental property of the universe as we experience it. Regardless of what the true nature of the universe may be, our understanding and experience of it rests solely on our communication with it. Additionally, it is the author's belief that the structure of "language" is a fundamental properly of the universe as we experience it. Regardless of what the true nature of the universe may be, our understanding and experience of it rests solely on its language.
Differentiation & Categorization
Formal Definitions
What do I mean by "Formal Definition?" A formal definition allows us to refer to an object without having to list all of its properties by giving it a name. This has the effect of making it an abbreviation.
- A good Formal Definition has the following form:
- X = Y Z
- X represents the word being defined
- Y represents a larger group of which X is a member. In addition, Y should not contain any words not understood by the one the definition is being communicated to.
- Z represents a distinguishing characteristic of X that it does not share with Y
Undefined Terms
In any branch of academic study there are certain words which are either impossible to define formally or which the instructor assumes are already understood. These words are called undefined terms and are the starting point of any discussion or meaningful study. A surprising number of arguments can be reduced or even eliminated by taking the time to understand where two people may differ in their understanding of these terms. For this class we will begin with the following undefined terms:
Undefined Relations
In addition to undefined terms many times there are fundamental relationships between the terms which cannot be defined as well. Such undefined relations must be identified and agreed upon before more complex relationships can be described.
Formally Defined Terms
What is Language?
What is Communication?
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